Hitcase branding; as stealthy as the product it houses
Hitcase protects your iPhone in the most extreme outdoor adventures

In a fast-moving category of mobile phone cases, we used branding to give Hitcase superhuman strength. The logo and identity for Hitcase simplifies and re-imagines the case silhouette, bringing the focus to the brand promise itself: the typographic expression of a shield within the H. The strong colour palette provides a visual link to the outdoors and waterproof aspect, and the overall effect is as vibrant and energetic as the target consumer.
Package Design
The packaging is designed to tell the story of the brand and communicate the USP’s of the product, in such a way that it resonates with the consumer: A young and adventurous group that expects brands and their products to be exciting.
Rachelle undertook a full exploration of various types of packages and boxes and worked closely with the package producer to come up with a custom dieline for HITCASE. From the brand logo to icon design and photography, we designed a cohesive identity for HITCASE.